

The KONGRESSZEITUNG 2022 for the 139. Congress of the German Society of Surgery that takes place  April 6th until April 8th 2022 in the Congress Center Leipzig is a daily newspaper and the only by the society accredited paper. It is being published in colloboration with the congress president Prof. Dr. Hauke Lang (Mainz). As usual, there will be three issues with numerous contributions relating to the scientific congress programme, current topics, interviews and further more.
The exhibitors and other indusrial partners have the opportunity to annouce their symposia, seminars, workshops or any activities during the congress. The KONGRESSZEITUNG is THE place to point to next year‘s product innovations. Don’t forget to ensure your spot for 2022!
Please contact Mrs. Schiffke for futher information.

Have a look at the KONGRESSZEITUNG 2019*

First issue Wednesday, 27.3.2019
Second issue Thursday, 28.3.2019
Third issue Friday, 29.3.2019

*Due to the cancellation of the DCK in 2020 and the Online DCK in 2021 there was no KONGRESSZEITUNG being published. Instead there was a new format CHAZ kompakt DCK with a marketplace for the industry.